Immigration Court

     For this weeks article, I chose to write about a CNN article written by Priscilla Alvarez. This article talks about the Immigration Court and how it is becoming ineffective. In the last week, the Immigration court backlog exceeded over 1 million cases. Immigration court judge Ashley Tabaddor stated, "Until we fix the design defect of having a court in a law enforcement agency, we will not be able to address the backlog in a fair and effective manner". In an effort to try and help this "problem" Trump's administration is working on hiring more immigration judges to tackle these backlog cases.  Furthermore, the American Bar association proposed a major overhaul of the US Immigration system and even called the courts "irredeemably dysfunctional".  While reading this article I began to wonder why the deportation of Immigrants is so crucial when we don't even have a system in place to properly deal with it. 


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