
Showing posts from September, 2019

US Asylum Deal with Honduras

     For this week's blog, I chose to write about a CNN article written by Priscilla Alvarez. This article talks about an asylum deal that the United States and Honduras have agreed upon. This asylum deal would allow the US to send asylum seekers back to Honduras if they didn't properly claim asylum when they first passed through the country. The US came to this deal to help stop the flow of immigrants seeking asylum into the US. This same type of treaty is in place with El Salvador and Guatemala as well. Immigrants who are seeking asylum will now be sent to Mexico for the duration of the proceedings or risk being sent back to their native country. Although, many people are opposing this and arguing that many immigrants face grave danger if they are sent back to Honduras due to the dangerous crime taking place in the country.   US Asylum deal with Honduras

Immigration Court

     For this weeks article, I chose to write about a CNN article written by Priscilla Alvarez. This article talks about the Immigration Court and how it is becoming ineffective. In the last week, the Immigration court backlog exceeded over 1 million cases. Immigration court judge Ashley Tabaddor stated, "Until we fix the design defect of having a court in a law enforcement agency, we will not be able to address the backlog in a fair and effective manner". In an effort to try and help this "problem" Trump's administration is working on hiring more immigration judges to tackle these backlog cases.  Furthermore, the American Bar association proposed a major overhaul of the US Immigration system and even called the courts "irredeemably dysfunctional".  While reading this article I began to wonder why the deportation of Immigrants is so crucial when we don't even have a system in place to properly deal with it.  Immigration court backlog exceeds 1

Xenophobia in South Africa

For this week's blog post I decided to focus on a New York Times Article written by Julie Turkewitz. This article talks about the recent anti-immigrant protests in South Africa. Many South African citizens have turned to violent protests aimed at targeting Nigerian’s living in South Africa. These violent protests have led to at least 10 deaths. In light of these recent protests, the Nigerian government has announced that they will be conducting voluntary evacuations for all Nigerians living in South Africa. Many citizens and governments across the continent are denouncing what they call “xenophobia” in South Africa. Unfortunately, this will also affect the African Continental Free Trade Area. African leaders were scheduled to meet this week in Cape Town to talk about the agreement but Nigeria’s government has pulled out of the meeting due to the violent attacks against their citizens in South Africa. This agreement would join Africa’s more than one billion consumers into one marke

Pastries in Paris

If you decide to go to France one day, I think one thing you have to do is try every dessert there. France is known for having some of the best pastries in the world. In this CNN article written by Channon Hodge, she describes how dessert serves as a main staple in France. You can find a pastry shop around every corner, but this doesn't mean that every pastry you try will be as great as the last. Although one shop may have great bread, it won't have good dessert. She also is lucky enough to get great recommendations from Nina Metayer who is a renowned pastry chef in Paris. Metayer suggests paying attention to fine detail such as the chocolate. If chocolate on a pastry looks smooth and shiny, more than likely the pastry tastes as good as it looks. I really enjoyed reading this article because it demonstrates to me just how crucial the dessert industry is to France’s culture.  Best Pastry Shops In France